The competent bodies for the organization and operation of the Interdisciplinary MSc in Applied Economics and Finance, according to the program’s Regulation are:
- The Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC), which exercises the powers of the Department Assembly.
- The Coordinating Committee (CC) of the IPM.
- The Director of the MSc Program.
- The Special Advisory Committee for Accounting and Auditing (SACAA).
The Special Interdepartmental Committee is a 9-member committee that decides on issues related to the curriculum, allocates teaching duties among the instructors, verifies the successful completion of the program for the award of the MSc degree, and decides on any other specific issues regarding the administration and operation of the program.
The members of SIC are:
1. George Dotsis, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
2. Dimitrios Kenourgios, Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
3. Georgia Kaplanoglou, Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
4. Dimitrios Ballios, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
5. Violetta Dalla, Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
6. Alexandros Milionis, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean,
7. Ioannis Katsampoxakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean.»
The Coordinating Committee of the MSc is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the Program. It consists of five (5) members who have undertaken teaching responsibilities and are appointed by the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC) for a two-year term.
The five academic members of the Coordinating Committee (CC) of the Master’s Program will be selected as follows: four (4) members from the Department of Economics) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and one (1) member from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean.
The members of CC are:
1. George Dotsis, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
2. Dimitrios Kenourgios, Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
3. Dimitrios Ballios, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
4. Violetta Dalla, Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
5. Ioannis Katsampoxakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean.»
The Director of the MSc in Applied Economics and Finance is a professor, or associate professor, faculty member, and belongs to the same or a related academic field as the subject matter of the MSc Program.
The Director proposes to the competent bodies of the institution on any matter concerning the effective operation of the program. In his absence, the Deputy Director replaces the Director.
The Director is George Dotsis, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA.
The Special Interdepartmental Committee designates the Special Advisory Committee for Accounting and Auditing, as an advisory body, which deals with issues related to the curriculum and other educational matters of the specializations “Public Auditing” and “Applied Accounting and Auditing.” This Committee consists of 9 members, 4 of whom are appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece (SOEL).
Members of the SACAA are:
1. George Dotsis, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
2. Dimitrios Kenourgios, Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
3. Dimitrios Ballios, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
4. Violetta Dalla, Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, NKUA,
5. Ioannis Katsampoxakis, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, and Actuarial Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean.»
The members appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece, are:
- Charilaos Alamanos, President of IESOEL,
- Kleopatra Kalogeropoulou, Member of the Supervisory Board of SOEL,
- Dimitrios Koutsopoulos Koutsos, Member of the Supervisory Board of SOEL
- Nomikos Skotis, Member of the Administrative Board of the Institute for Education of SOEL.